A lifetime ago, William Shunn shared an excellent example of how to effectively and properly format a story submission. That advice is still pertinent. Even in today's technological age of wonder that allows computer-users to do oh, so many things, there are several simple steps aspiring writers seeking publication can do themselves to increase their odds of finding acceptance. Truly. I jest not.
We all have busy lives, many of us experience various forms of difficulties that pose reading challenges, and most of us do not get to read at the most convenient times or places.
Editors and submission readers are no different. Especially at a small press like RBE, where most of the people reading submissions are volunteers. Volunteers who hold the fate of the material they read in their often very tired eyesight. So we really, truly do ask y'all to strive for professionally accepted formatting. This is not just for appearances (though it does help) -- for us, this is for efficiency, expediency, and eye-strain reduction; for you, this is for consistency, clarity, continued-odds of progressing up the reading hierarchy, and certainly less future editing.
Now William's advice is geared to a hard copy submission. It's great info, you should definitely read and know it, but there are tweaks for a modern writer submitting only electronically. Beside following the stated guidelines of the publisher you are submitting to, here's a list of a few key electronic formatting standards the publishing world simple expects and readers greatly appreciate. Write/type your stories anyway you'd like, but come time for submitting, please send along your final version employing these:
Use a 1″ margin on all sides
Use a standard 12-point type font, like the typical default Times New Roman
Indent fives spaces for each new paragraph -- don’t leave an empty line between paragraphs
Double-space the entire text
Mark a change of scene or time with a centered #
NO text bolded* or all capitalized* or of multiple colors or in wild fonts
Dress like a pro, look like a pro, right? Same concept -- even in an anonymous submission process, YOUR work represents YOU. Show us your best self. Thanks! Seriously.
*unless of specific purpose in your story*
A distraction-free writing system like the Solarized Writer's Desktop enhances focus and minimizes eye strain. Incorporating a black screen can help test contrast and lighting settings for your dual-monitor setup, ensuring optimal visual comfort for long writing or research sessions