As of right now, RB has decided to award a 'Hero of the Year' recognition. Our first winner for 2018 is the mural artist who has wonderfully, sneakily, heroically covered Canada, specifically Edmonton, with Conans! Artist Kris Friesen has been painting for years, almost as long as he has been loving the Cimmerian. Here's an interactive map of Conan locations - be sure to save this for your next Edmonton visit.
Read more about Friesen and his Conans in this wonderfully fun article from the Edmonton Journal. Perhaps there will be a RB Friesen cover in our future. Regardless, RB salutes Kris Friesen in acknowledgement of his artistic talents, vision, and promotion of the greatest of Robert E. Howard's characters...and for continuing the grand tradition of inspiring Canadians, following in the footsteps of Steven Erikson, John O'Neill, and Bruce Durham.
As this is a brand-new recognition by Rogue Blades, you'll forgive the lateness in the year. Going forth, we will endeavor to reveal by the close of every January our Hero of the Year for the preceding calendar. Recommendations are welcome, but as you can certainly tell, we'll be intent on recognizing the unusual, the special, the unique. Qualities just like our own.