Much thanks goes to RBE friend and artist extraordinaire Didier Normand and to new-to-RBE artist Irene Zeleskou (aka ftourini) for bringing the final cover of CROSSBONES & CROSSES to life. ftourini's 'old paper stock 02' brings just the right touch to Didier's pirate & crusader logo. I'm still a newbie at this art manipulation thing, so Didier readily assisted me in getting his art onto ftourini's paper, and here we have the finished look!
Black will be the background color wrapping around the spine and backside. This part is still in progress as spine thickness and back cover text are still in progress. We're getting close though, as the last few crusader slots are being filled as you read this. I am looking forward to putting this title into everyone's hands, let me say!
With 15 stories, 2 poems, and a foreword from Howard Andrew Jones, C&C will break the 100,000 word count, making this the largest title RBE has published since RAGE OF THE BEHEMOTH. I've been trying to keep cover prices below $15, but this one is probably going to be $15 when it's all put together. Compared to many titles out there, this will still be a killer deal even at that price!