Oh, the days when 'IN FULL COLOR!' was more novelty than commonplace. In this case, the interior colored art is much more eye-catching and delightful than this cover, not one I'm overly fond of. I much prefer the interior alternate frontispiece -- surprisingly both are by John Buscema. But that's his art for me, hit or miss.
Any of you collect Conan comics? I collect THE SAVAGE SWORD OF CONAN (SSOC) specifically. It began with the cover art (which still pretty much dictates my purchasing choices), expanded to all those edited by Roy Thomas, and then became a search to complete story-lines and find specials. Like this, one of only two SSOC MARVEL SUPER SPECIAL! editions. (There are two other Conan-related Super Specials (three if you include Red Sonja), but those are connected to the Arnold movies in 1982 and 1984.) Due to this specific issue, my collection will now expand to include all the titles in the wonderful piece by Jim Neal, "A Chronology of the Conan Comics," which tallied in age-of-our-hero order all of his exploits found in comic format til 1978. It's a great read, and very thorough. And now I'm considering shelving my Conan comic collection in its order in preparation to read with my grandson(s).