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Cover Reveal: SITBM

Despite a few setbacks, with a little bit of experimenting, here's the brand-new cover for RBE's SLAUGHTER IS THE BEST MEDICINE! A little bit of blood, the hint of humor . . . a dash of death here with a pinch of sharp edges there . . . and we have a cover to bring a bright red smile to your day. This is an anthology of deadly fun, seriously enjoyable. This is RBE's attempt to answer the question The Joker has so famously asked, "Why so serious?"

Mayhem and Mirth at its best, as found in the likes of any 'Sword & --' tale you can think of. Whether writing for or soon-to-be-reading this one, visit RBE's handy Genre Guide if you're unsure of what's what. We've been reading lots of submissions for this title, and there's a wide range of 'S&-' stories that could potentially grace this TOC. Subs remain open till September 2nd, so there's still time to submit your story -- just keep in mind what they say: the more dead the merrier. Now who is that actually says that?

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