Remember the Alamo...under snow
Even as I peck this post out on my phone locked in a hotel, wearing the same clothes for the third day, subsisting on stale donuts, corn nuts, and packets of coffee, I am extremely grateful.
With a full heart I salute all those working in this apocalyptic cold front that's smothered the all of Texas (first time ever all 254 counties are in a declared snow emergency!):
all our first responders of law enforcement, medical, and fire getting to, sorting out, and rescuing the stranded and the injured in ditches and empty vistas and 100-car accidents.
all those linemen questing to those gas, water, electric, and fiber lines, finding, repairing, replacing, and restoring heat and water and communication to thousands.
all those farm and ranch hands, those tending and hauling trailers of horses, cattle, sheep, goats, what have you, to shows and markets for not abandoning their charges.
all those neighbors who brave the outdoors to check on others, the elderly and invalid and silent.
Thank you. You are heroes.
Without you, we wouldn't survive, frankly.