Seth Lindberg's beautiful banner artwork for "S&S: an earthier sort of fantasy"
I am a member of this terrific S&S Group -- If you're not yet and call yourself a fan, please join! Every year we kickoff our reading with anthologies. In the discussion thread, RBE friend, reviewer, designer, writer, scientist, and Groupreads S&S: an earthier sort of fantasy moderator S.E. says about reading RBE's CHALLENGE! DISCOVERY:
Got to “Someplace Cool and Dark” by Frederic S. Durbin. It's first person, weird, funny and dark …. and I heard this exact story before! It took me a while to figure it out, but I heard him read this at the WFC 2016 in Columbus, OH.
That's correct, Seth, and from all I've heard, Fred's reading was a delight I am sorry to have missed. Fans of Fred and this story have been clamoring for its release ever since. I am glad RBE finally delivered. Included also in the anthology is Fred's essay on the creation of his wonderful tale of discovery.