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It's the Final Countdown!

Writer's picture: JasonJason

You Heard it Here First!

The time has come for communication, revelation, declaration! There is a time for planning and there is a time for promotion. A time for silence; a time for statements. A time for greeting and then a time for going. THIS is that time! The last new anthology from Rogue Blades Entertainment and Jason M Waltz is...


NEITHER BEG NOR YIELD: 17 Stories with S&S Attitude is my salute to my style of Sword & Sorcery. As you may have noticed, it holds 17 stories...more on that later. It also starts with a title taken from the Judas Priest power anthem "Hard as Iron" -- a song that has energized me from youth till now, through sports, military, and first responder careers. Four words that epitomize the heart and soul of this anthology, these stories, my S&S, the S&S Attitude: indomitable will to survive.

Gathered within these pages are the authors I believe best deliver what I wish to share. 16 of these are authors I have been honored and thrilled to work with at some point (sometimes multiple points) over the last 20+ years. Some authors I've grown up with, as it were, from my role as volunteer slush reader to present-day micro publisher. Others are authors who I first read for pleasure and then have been privileged to include their works in my titles. 

These are all powerful storytellers who tell tall tales filled with characters who do not simply live but wrest life out of every moment of its living. Characters who thrill to battle always, but perhaps just a little bit more when there is booty and baubles and booze to be had after securing bloody victory. First and foremost, however, these are also the best heroic storytellers who graciously allow me to name as comrades, sword brothers, even friends.

NEITHER BEG NOR YIELD Kickstarter project banner

As for those 17 authors...they're all signed, but today is not the day to reveal names. There is the time for suspense, and this is it! Come May 1st, I will be opening a Kickstarter pre-launch at which point names will come to light. Know this: 16 will be announced, but the 17th, well, the 17th will be held in surprise, for there may also 18th!

That's right! There is the potential for an 18th storyteller to join NEITHER BEG NOR YIELD. One of the stretch goals during the KS campaign will open submissions to any backer to submit a S&S tale that meets my criteria for the S&S Attitude. Once this stretch goal is achieved, the 17th author will be revealed and the submission window will open...and that subtitle could change to 18 Stories with S&S Attitude! So whet your writing utensils, take hostage your muses, and be prepared to back this glorious title. Watch here and at all good and fine establishments for further updates.

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