It's time again to catch y'all up on events. NBNY is about 95% completed!
We've experienced some authorial and medical setbacks, but things are almost returned to warp speed. David C. Smith replaces Scott Oden in the S&S Attitude lineup, so at final count we have 20 authors.
Which is certainly plenty, because the word count on this baby--WHOA! This is officially the largest book I've published from either RBE or RBF. NEITHER BEG NOR YIELD surpasses RBF's HITHER CAME a LOT!
NBNY has over 172,000 words, 20 stories with 40 illustrations, and all in about 450 pages! Here's a screenshot of a dozen of those opening illustrations from the pen of M.D. Jackson.
The updated author list - use this as an advert!
For your viewing pleasure, a teaser of some of MD Jackson's story illustrations.
Watch for NEITHER BEG NOR YIELD in January 2024! Kickstarter backers will receive their books first. Public sales will open once those books have been delivered.