Lawrence A. Weinstein and "The Barbarian’s Lawyer" to the Table of Contents!
It was quite the hard fought battle and competition was fierce. Nine stories survived the first round of elimination readings. Then came the evaluation readings, resulting in five remaining contenders.
The storytelling of all five was strong, powerful, the stuff every anthologist wants, especially in a gift such as NEITHER BEG NOR YIELD. Analysis of the components of Sword & Sorcery, from the horrific to the supernatural to the humorous to the violent to the strangeness to the grit and the fury followed. Then came the comparisons to what already graced the contents and, most importantly, to what most closely hewed to the S&S Attitude requested.
Three stories remained atop the heap. And that's when I made a glorious realization!
While, yes, there could only be ONE Champion, there could be more than one acceptance.
That's right --
NEITHER BEG NOR YIELD further welcomes...
Adrian Cole and "Maiden Flight" to the Table of Contents!
You've read correctly. There are 2 new names joining this illustrious band of S&S Attitude brethren! Adrian delivered such a powerful rendition of exactly what I sought for NEITHER BEG NOR YIELD that there was no way I was not adding his story to the mix. Thing is, this special open call was intended for a writer without professional S&S or fantasy credentials to enjoy the opportunity of a lifetime by joining this all-star cast of superb S&S Storytellers. So it took no time at all for me to decide to offer Adrian a contract as a bonus author AND still select a great story from the open call.
It was down to two stories, both powerful in different ways, both strong in the right areas, both including the components of what I want in S&S Attitude. Only one, however, pulled off something I think difficult and in doing so added something to the NBNY contents that wasn't all that present previously. And thus, my offer of acceptance to Lawrence was graciously accepted and our ToC completed.