Heading into the Sunset with the Scream of Steel and Storm
I am retiring from publishing.
Myriad reasons, but primarily so I can prioritize a return to my own writing. I may do the occasional special project under the RB Foundation, but I have decided to publish one final RBE heroic anthology. As my swan song, the theme is my version of Sword & Sorcery, the S&S Attitude, and will feature my dream lineup of authors experienced over the last 25 years of reading, selecting, editing, supporting, reviewing, publishing, and even befriending. From folks I met online way back in the SFReader.com days to people I've met at various events from World Fantasy Convention to burger stands and pizza parlors across the US.
This will be an awesome book, a power ballad of S&S. I am always excited when creating a book and proud of many of my published titles; I am already proud of this one, and excited beyond belief to share it with y'all. The title is still undetermined, but the cover art is in progress. The ToC is almost all under contract, and it includes a smorgasbord of well-known protagonists.
I want this to be the best book I can possibly deliver, so to that end I am considering a Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign. I originally posted much of this on the RBE Facebook page and have received dozens of public and private reactions, each of which is appreciated, some of which are specially cherished. I thank each and every single one of you who have encouraged, helped, submitted, supported, and read any of the titles I've been involved with from slush reading to publishing. It has been a thrilling ride! I hope I can apply even a portion of what I've learned about storytelling from y'all to my own writing.
Time comes to every endeavor, every one. There is a season for everything, and RBE's season has fallen -- but it's going out in a spectacular lightning show and raging storm of steel!
I ask you now...Will you join in the crescendo of my career and support my encore through a Kickstarter campaign?