Please consider supporting RBF through one of these Guidestar approved options.
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This is the RING OF HEROES - the strength of RBF's foundation.
Want to make an impact? Help RBF realize its vision of sharing heroic ideals around the world. YOU can make a difference with your financial support. Every bit regardless of amount definitely furthers our cause, and we are extremely grateful for your love and support. Please consider joining our Ring of Heroes and donating today.
Mithril Ring
Light, agile, and strong, these are the RBF supporters whose steadfastness never fades.
[From J.R.R.Tolkien, meaning ‘light, strong, never fade.’]
Thomas Banks Nikki Becker Adrian Benson Joe Bonadonna Eadwine Brown John Bullard Rusty Burke Jason Ray Carney Craig Colvin Jennica Colvin Margaret Crutchfield Matthew Drought Bruce Durham Michael Ehart Jake Elmi Gabriel Ertsgaard Nikolas Everhart Andy Fix Eric Frisch Mathieu Gagnon Ron House Seth Lindberg Gregory Mele Casey Pulpan Henry Ram Christopher Robin Rob Santa David C. Smith Richard Stein Bull Stephen Donna J Stewart Chris Stires Matt Sullivan Ben J Trevino Todd Vick Cindy Waltz Keith West Logan Whitney Paul Wittine Amazon Smile Foundation ANONYMOUS RBE
Duranium Ring
Durable and formidable, these are the RBF donors whose support is legendary.
[From Star Trek, meaning ‘legendary durability.’]
John O'Neill Jason & Tammy Waltz
Vibranium Ring
Potent, tenacious, and energetic, the vigor of these RBF supporters resonates around the world.
[From Marvel Entertainment, meaning ‘sound of strength.’]
Shaun Cuttill​ Gregory Sharp
Amazonium Ring
Impervious wonders, these are the supporters who go above and beyond in embracing RBF’s vision and goals.
[From DC Entertainment, meaning ‘wonder of vision.’]
Joshua Dinges
Adamant Ring
Indestructible and mighty, the support of these donors for RBF’s mission and values is unbreakable.
[From Greek myth, meaning ‘unbreakable support.’]
Wanted: Heroes