Scott Oden Presents THE LOST EMPIRE OF SOL: A Shared World Sword & Planet Anthology
THE LOST EMPIRE OF SOL is a spectacular homage to Sword & Planet tales as presented by Scott Oden. It brings ten ‘romantic tales of high adventure’ and loads of fun excitement across a dark and ancient solar system long pre-dating the one we think we know now. Artist M.D. Jackson’s splendid cover showcases the science, swords, and strangeness of S&P, while his glorious interior solar map displays the once mighty Empire’s vastness...the way things once were long, long ago...before the Threat arose. An exciting repository of the tales of an Empire that pre-dates recorded history, THE LOST EMPIRE OF SOL will not only entertain readers with its rousing action and adventure, it will demonstrate heroic ideals in a multitude of characters and situations.

“…a fine collection that certainly achieved its mission of inserting a jolt into Sword & Planet offerings. The Lost Empire of Sol is destined to become a historic Sword & Planet anthology, a classic akin to how Return of the Sword is perceived for the Sword & Sorcery genre.”
~ S.E. Lindberg, Goodreads
Scott Oden, Joe Bonadonna & David C. Smith, Tom Doolan, Christopher M. Blanchard, Charles Allen Gramlich, Howard Andrew Jones, Mark Finn, Keith J. Taylor, E.E. Knight, Dave Hardy, Paul R. McNamee. Cover art by M.D. Jackson. Introduction by John O’Neill. Edited by Jason M Waltz and Fletcher Vredenburgh.
US$17.00, 91k words, 6.69×9.61 TPB, 194 pages, ISBN 9780578824277
US$5.00 Amazon Kindle