HITHER CAME CONAN: The Best Conan Story Is…
HITHER CAME CONAN is a collection of essays exploring the impact and importance of each original Conan the Cimmerian story. It is a hard look into the nature of Texas author Robert E. Howard’s greatest creation. An examination from 34 authors through 60 essays and discussions of what is the best Conan tale and why Conan is the Best of REH’s characters. THE book to shelve beside your Wandering Star/DelRey Conan trilogy!

“…an outstanding package! Dierk Günther’s Preface and Story Introductory sections add valuable literary evaluation and factual information.”
~ Scott R., Amazon
“Anyone with any interest in Conan absolutely must add this book to their library; it’s essential…a fantastic book that earns a rare five-star rating from me. Highly recommended!”
~ S.wagenaar, Goodreads
Fred Adams, Jr., John Bullard, Bob Byrne, Jason Ray Carney, Vincent Darlage, Bobby Derie, Woelf Dietrich, Jason Durall, Gabe Dybing, Mark Finn, David Hardy, Ryan Harvey, John C. Hocking, Morgan Holmes, Howard Andrew Jones, Patrice Louinet, James C. McGlothlin, Brian Murphy, Scott Oden, James Reasoner, Deuce Richardson, Jeffrey Shanks, Steven H Silver, David C. Smith, Keith J. Taylor, G.W. Thomas, Fletcher A. Vredenburgh, Jason M Waltz, Bill Ward, Keith West, and C.L. Werner. Foreword by S.M. Stirling. Preface and Story Data by Dierk Günther. Introductions and Epilogues from Bob Byrne, Howard Andrew Jones, and Bill Ward. Afterword by Matthew John. A WEIRD TALES In Memoriam of REH/Conan compilation from Jason M Waltz. Cover art by Didier Normand. Compiled by Bob Byrne, Bill Ward, Howard Andrew Jones, and Jason M Waltz.
US$35.00, about 130k words, 6×9 HC, 384 pages, ISBN 9798218060916
US$9.99 Amazon Kindle