The RBF Ethos
RBF believes and aspires to foster the same belief that embracing heroic characteristics will positively impact humanity’s future through engaging readers with heroic exemplars. In other words, RBF will find and publish the best examples of heroes and ideals with the goal of exciting more people, especially our youth, to become readers and in turn develop into the future leaders we all need.
RBF aspires to be on the cutting edge of ‘Exploring Heroes!’ We are all about putting heroic tales, characters, ideals, motivations, and exemplars in print (all forms) and into everyone’s reach. We especially aspire to create readers and leaders of heroic proportions. As a not-for-profit, RBF can embrace larger scale projects than RBE, and in doing so also support other similarly focused endeavors in the literary and heroism fields.
wants to explore heroes in books that are not forgotten, books that aren’t just set on a shelf and never read. Our books should be enjoyed, should look read, should be read, and should inspire people to do and be more.
Our books are heroes themselves!

Our Vision
is that of an increase in global appreciation of heroic literature and an embrace of the heroic good through its exploration in the written word.
Our Mission
is to proactively partner and cooperate with other creators and proponents of heroic examination in mutual commitment to pursue, publish, promote, and perpetuate high quality heroic literature through a mix of popular, scholarly, and literary works. RBF will pursue the return of true heroism to be shared across the globe with today’s readers and tomorrow’s leaders.
Our Values
of quality, consistency, diversity, integrity, responsibility, transparency, accountability, and loyalty are our core.
Our Goals
are: (1) To reliably produce products that are exemplary, appreciative, and inspiring of the heroic form in all cultures, nationalities, eras, and genders through fiction in short form compilations (such as anthologies and collections) and in nonfiction (such as scholarly primers and biographies); (2) To loyally be transparent and communicative with our customers, authors, artists, volunteers, and supporters; (3) To consistently seek out and recognize the talent and the ability to share heroic ideals through literature; (4) To be persistently cognizant of the importance of the literary pursuit and preservation of heroics; (5) To acknowledge the importance of heroism in leadership beginning with our youth and reaching across the globe and into our future; (6) To regularly create memorable and/or recognizable works of quality consistent with our mission; (7) To steadily possess a recognized expertise on quality heroic literature.

Exploring Heroes!
Heroes are embedded in the world’s soul, integral to every cultural fabric. They dominate our legends from the men and women of history to the denizens of our literary worlds. The stories we tell each other begin and end with heroes. RBF presents HEROES. It’s the summation of our mission statement: the pursuit of true heroism to be shared across the globe with today’s readers and tomorrow’s leaders. RBF promotes HEROES. From sword & sorcery to historical adventure to space adventures and swashbucklers, on to advice, memoirs and other nonfiction, RBF updates the iconic heroic characters and ideals of yesteryear for today’s yearning readers. RBF wants to explore HEROES with you. With your support, we will put examinations of the heroic into your hands and the hands of people around the world. RBF’s publishing activities deliver on our purpose to put heroics into print, hands, and hearts. RBF’s efforts, energies, and expenditures are all designed to achieve its vision of a global appreciation of heroic literature and the universal embrace of the heroic ideals.
RBF is organized exclusively for charitable and literary purposes under section 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code.