Welcome to 2020 y'all! Here's to some personal bests in reading, writing, submitting, and publishing for all of us! And now here's what you're really reading this for -- the annual RB updates and revelations post.
RBE - Rogue Blades Entertainment
Editing of 2019's anthos is...
in progress. Covers and layout for all three titles have been completed, and story edits are begun. Ty Johnston -- longtime RB friend and alum, as well as RBF VP -- has joined the editing team and through his able assistance we hope to have all the edits out quickly. We are probably looking at back-to-back releases January through March. Authors, watch for editing emails!
MOSTLY DEAD! Will close on RB Anthology Day, 1/26/20. Edits should hopefully follow quickly, and the AS YOU WISH! omnibus will be the 4th title released back-to-back in 2020. MD! has room for about 17,000 more words, and acceptances include:
Emily Martha Sorensen - "The Spinning Talent"
Sarah Murray - "Friend in Need"
Sarina Dorie - "The Palace of Flowers"
J.B. Toner - "Your Brains, His Strength, My Steel"
J. Stewart - "The Doughty Dozen"
Keith West - "The Head of St. Brandon"
T. A. Markitan - "A Rock and a Crow"

New 2020 Anthos Will also be announced January 26th. A few changes this year, hopefully ones that contribute to a firmer yet more consistent schedule. RB will now be announcing NOT opening the year's TWO themed titles on 1/26, followed by opening each title for a designated period, with stated and targeted end dates for submissions, evaluations, and publications. This is being done to (1) avoid repeating last year's timing debacles, (2) ease the reading team's duties, and (3) provide flexibility in producing a third anthology each year from those outstanding until we catch up. Here's 2020's schedule:
announce 2 anthologies on 1/26
open Antho1 3/1
close Antho1 5/16
open Antho2 5/17
close Antho2 8/1
acceptances will be determined by 9/7
editing will begin and be completed in September
publications will arrive between Thanksgiving and St Nick's At least these are the goals. Covers are already in progress, and you will be excited to learn that RBE is sticking to its roots this year with a Sword-and-Sorcery anthology while also expanding its heroic genres with its first superhero anthology.
RBF ~ Rogue Blades Foundation
First 2 titles in pre-release
And with special price breaks! ROBERT E. HOWARD CHANGED MY LIFE is a personal memoirs-styled look at how REH and his characters impacted the lives of 30+ contributors, scheduled to be released at Howard Days in Cross Plains, Texas, this June. THE LOST EMPIRE OF SOL is a Sword-and-Planet anthology commemorating some of the greatest in pulp adventures on other worlds, scheduled for release in late winter-early spring.
Public presentations
I will begin representing RBF (and by default RBE) through a series of writing, submitting, editing, and publishing classes/presentations/discussions at local libraries, community centers, and other locales. As programs of RBF, all presentations will be approached through the lens of heroics. This is an exciting expansion of RB's ability to deliver on its vision of encouraging the embrace of the heroic.
RBF fundraising
Pursuing that mission of commitment to pursue, publish, promote, and perpetuate high quality heroic literature through a mix of popular, scholarly, and literary works takes money, and money comes from your support. All of your donations go toward mission accomplishment at RBF, and every dollar is greatly cherished and immediately put to work. RBF accepts one-time, annual, and monthly donations through a variety of portals, from direct cash/check to Facebook, PayPal, and Givebutter, a wonderful new addition to the giving platforms. Please consider joining RBF's Ring of Heroes today!
RBF offers annual and lifetime memberships that not only publicly demonstrate your association with RBF and identification with its mission and goals, but also brings you direct benefit through discounts and of course, the right to appear as a RBF Companion.
RB introduced a Privacy Policy for 2020 in continued demonstration of our gratefulness for your support and our intention to never abuse or misuse it or your information. RB is thankful for all of our fans and friends -- from writers submitting to readers buying to reviewers sharing and to encouragers giving -- and we consider it our great privilege to know and serve you. Never hesitate to contact us via comment here, our Contact Form or emails, or on Facebook (RBE and RBF) with any questions, requests, comments, concerns, or compliments. What's the distinction between RBE and RBF again? RBE will continue to publish themed heroic anthologies open to public submission. RBF will publish heroic material from the historical to the inspirational in fiction and nonfiction through in-house special titles. RBE is a for-profit entity that relies on a team of volunteers for reading and planning; RBF is a not-for-profit organization that relies on financial support and a volunteer board/staff to publish and present.