Hi there! Here's all the RBE news you've been awaiting with baited breath! That picture above? Oh, it's just the montage of characters I shared on FB with Heavy Mithril when they asked to see our favorite fantastical characters. Thought you might enjoy seeing them, and learning a little bit more about the mind behind RBE ;)
Transitioning to the Amazon KDP print system continues with DEMONS: CLASH OF STEEL. The long-ignored CHALLENGE! STEALTH will go into editing and layout sometime soon...hopefully. RBE is also very excited to be part of two special projects that are coming late this year and during 2020.
I'm tightening things up a bit around the RBE offices, finding room for more titles as I can, so here's a few Harold Lamb titles I'm selling to good homes only and for funds to add to the RBE coffers. NUR MAHAL, SULEIMAN, and OMAR KHAYYAM are US$5.00 each, the 1970's version of GENGHIS KHAN is US$2.00 or FREE with the other three (buyer pays shipping of course).

AS YOU WISH! / SOMEBODY KILL THE PRINCE! / MOSTLY DEAD! - SKTP! is filled! We received rewrites and new submissions that met our thematic goals, so the first half of the AS YOU WISH! omnibus will now be moving forward into editing. Authors -- anticipate receiving edits after mid-July. The sister to SKTP!, MD!, still holds at 3 acceptances, though I've been informed of some tales in progress. MD! is word-count based, and we need about 38,000 more words. I'd like to see a 2019 release for this homage, so please, if you're remotely interested, take a shot and try your hand at writing for MD! Acceptances to date:
Livia Finucci - "Dietro le Mura del Palazzo"
M T Ingoldby - "The Masked King"
Jessica Lévai - "The Prince, The Portrait, and the Pirate"
Gabriel Ertsgaard - "Queen Evaline's Quest"
Carrie L Clickard - "Mamas Don't Let your Daughters Grow Up to be Alchemists"
Henry Ram - "Lord Diabolique's Tower"
J.N. Powell - "Scarlet and Shadow"
Christopher Degni - "The Prince Who Wasn't"
Meghan K. O'Neill - "The Baker's Knight"
Hayley Reese Chow - "Saving Sloane"
Emily Martha Sorensen - "The Spinning Talent"
Sarah Murray - "Friend in Need"
Sarina Dorie - "The Palace of Flowers"
*Cover art 'As You Wish' by Bill 'Indy' Cavalier
*Foreword from Fred Durbin!
2019's open calls are regularly receiving submissions, with SITBM receiving the most stories while DEATH'S STING is generating the most acceptances. It's been a full summer for RBE's reading team though, and we're a little bit behind. Numerous stories are still making their way through the submission process for all 3 titles, but we're striving to catch up. We cherish your patience. Here are the actual acceptances to date:
DEATH'S STING - Remember: no science fiction please, just grand old S&S tales akin to KEW's Kane's early life rather than modern life. Some fine sword-and-sorcery tales with an immortal -- whether s/he likes it or not -- character please. With 7 stories, DS is about halfway to the target word count.
Matt Sullivan - "To Walk on Worlds"
D.K. Latta - "The Immortal Contract"
Kate Runnels - "A Thousand Deaths"
Logan Whitney - "The Bull and the Djinn"
Tony-Paul de Vissage - "Shadow's Crossing"
J.B. Toner - "Red Horse, White Horse"
Brandie June - "The Death Of Sleeping Beauty"
*Cover by yours truly
REACH FOR THE SKY - Keep your fun and interesting submissions coming! Remember, this is a Western with sci-fi components rather than a science fiction with Western ambiance.
Logan Whitney - "Box of Bones"
Patrick Thomas - "Backstabbers and Sidewinders"
D.K. Latta - "The Long Arm of the Law"
*Cover art: 'Reach for the Sky' by Logan Whitney
SLAUGHTER IS THE BEST MEDICINE - SITBM has its cover -- by me! SITBM submissions need to include the requisite 'more than 3 deaths at once' along with a touch of humor please. Don't forget the mirth!
Michael Ehart - "The Beast of the Bridge"
Jason J. McCuiston - "A Matter of Honor"
David Bischoff - "Up the Gladiators"
*Cover by yours truly
And that's the current state of RBE. As always, send any questions along with a comment below, via our contact page or on Facebook. Thanks for keeping faith and for always writing!
Oh, and if you're interested, here's a brand-new release that holds a little bit of my thoughts on life and battle and war. Poet Alex Ness graciously invited me to join him on this project a few years back, and VICTORY is the result.
#submissions #Whitney #coverart #acceptances #themes #AYW #SKTP #MD #DS #RFTS #SITBM #Powell #Murray #Cavalier #Sullivan #Ehart #Thomas #Kane #SwordandSorcery #SandS #Western #alien #death #humor #immortality #ScienceFiction #SciFi #Bischoff #Latta #Amazon #Dorie #Sorensen #Degni #ONeill #Chow #Durbin #Runnels #deVissage #Lamb #Victory #Ness #poetry #mirth #mayhem #June #Toner #McCuiston